STARS Provides Services to Many Cosmetology Schools
People who want to enter the field of cosmetology can obtain training and meet licensing requirements by attending one of the many postsecondary cosmetology schools in the country. Requirements vary and are specific to the state in which a person wants to gain employment.
The cosmetology industry is expected to see continued growth. The result will be increasing enrollments in cosmetology career schools. These schools need reliable campus management software and student information systems to easily handle, store, and process data. The STARS software system includes checklists that are used by cosmetology schools. The instructors use the lists to track the progress of students as they master a variety of required physical tasks. Instructors can provide progress notes to assist students’ progress. The checklists also provide the opportunity for instructors to monitor each student’s time on task.
As the number of schools increases with expanding curricula, the need for a good career college information system is a must if a school is to succeed. STARS offers features including – but not limited to - a student portal, communication tools, an automated admissions tool, student financial tracking, and system alerts. Perhaps most importantly, STARS can help your school with compliance requirements by providing a variety of analytics including financial source reports, 90/10 reports, IPEDS reports, and many others.
*STARS is an acronym for Student Tracking and Accounting Records System. This type of software is also referred to as a student management system, career college management system, student information management system, campus management software, school information management system, college management system, student record management system, campus management system, student information system software, online student management software, vocational school management system, etc.