Postsecondary career schools offer great opportunities for students who want to train for good careers that do not require a four-year degree. These schools offer programs and features that are customized for short-term, focused programs of study. Career schools employ instructors who have actual experience in the occupations for which they are training others. The best of these schools use student information systems that are customized for this particular kind of education and training. For example, the STARS career school management system* includes features such as custom checklists which instructors use to record the progress of students who must master a number of academic and physical “hands-on” skills. Career schools are highly regulated and must comply with many state and/or federal regulations. For that reason, they must be able to accurately maintain records to qualify for federal funding and to fulfill requirements of accrediting organizations. The STARS software system can produce many and varied types of reports that can be used for these career schools and colleges.
*STARS is an acronym for Student Tracking and Accounting Records System. This type of software is also referred to as a student management system, career college management system, student information management system, campus management software, school information management system, college management system, student record management system, campus management system, student information system software, online student management software, vocational school management system, etc.